Aaliya’s aid was born out of the will to do something out of the ordinary. I started Aaliya’s aid to achieve my dream of helping those who are in need of it. It was a simple idea that was born on a boring, rainy day at school. The idea was born after witnessing the recent death of a family member to cancer. At the time, it was a small idea, which had no channel and no plan of action.
I realized that healthcare is the basic necessity that everyone must have regardless of their
financial or social status, so I decided to start Aaliya’s aid on the 29th of June 2019, as a non-
profit organization dedicated mainly to helping patients suffering from terminal illnesses like
Cancer, and HIV AIDS. I started spreading the idea about this cause to friends and family,
urging them to join our team. Slowly but steadily our team started growing. By the end of
September we were almost a team of 25-30 volunteers. We worked the entire year and spent
time in increasing our contacts and connections.

We started extensively helping an NGO called “Access Life India” which are taking care of children affected with Cancer. In fact, Aaliya’s aid had their first workshop with the kids at Access Life. They have been our partnered NGO ever since we started out and we continue to provide aid to them. Early this year Aaliya’s aid was featured on a humanitarian page called “Humans of Bombay” which shared our story on their huge social media platforms. Once our story was out in the public domain, responses, wishes and applications to join our team started flooding in. From a team of 25 we were a team of almost 60-70. Once our team started expanding more and more people reached out to us, and we started expanding by adding departments to our organization. From two volunteering teams we introduced a PR/outreach team, as well as a Research & writing team. Our research team writes our monthly newsletters. Later this year we’re also launching a “content creation” team. Aaliya’s aid functions due to the undying support of our volunteers and team members, and we will only grow with their help and dedication towards our cause. We’re accepting applications to all our departments currently, for those who may wish to dedicate their time to us.
Along with visiting NGO’s we also involve ourselves on various social issues, and extensively advocate the same on our social media platforms. May it be the BLM protests, the Trans Lives protests, or issues like racism, sexism and homophobia. Aaliya’s aid is a platform that welcomes each and everyone irrespective of their identity, in order to create a safespace and an environment that allows people of all stratus to be of aid.
We also collaborate with NGO’s, organizations and causes that share the same beliefs as us, while advocating their causes with our aid. Aaliya’s aid looks to start various campaigns and social events in a world post COVID-19 to help those who are struck hardest by the virus. We were recently involved in a cause that provided food grain & essentials to the migrant laborers of the nation. With the aid and support of our growing team we look to help innumerable people across Bombay and of various cities in the nation. Like I always say “To every action there is a certain kind of resistance. But you are only called focused and resilient when you learn to overcome that resistance”
Therefore, Aaliya’s aid continues to aim at helping those who deserve living life the way we do.