Hi, everybody! I'm Constanza and I'm from México. I'm a currently senior in high school. I'm one year away from COLLEGE! And this is driving me a little crazy. Anyways here I am. And this is what I have to say to all of you!:)
Today I have planned a long but funny and dramatic journey. Enjoy!

How are you doing in this weird times?
I'll tell you how I am. Most of the days are boring and I want to go out and do crazy things, yell at everyone and have fun with my friends and family! But, well I can't. Before I go further with this, I want to ask you something: think of the craziest thing you've ever done. Ready? Ok, go and try it again if you can. If you don't just tell everybody around. But not just like an old story, make them feel what you felt.
Lets continue, this days I've been talking to myself more than talking to other people, that's kinda weird and sad. But look at the bright side, I've get to know my self better and I have had the opportunity to ask myself, WHAT DO I WANT?

Cause most of the time we live rushing things and we don't just, enjoy. And life is about enjoying every second of every minute, of every hour, of every day! So let me ask you, WHAT DO YOU WANT? But, for real. Don´t say I want to study this, or visit here. Tell me you want to jump from the highest mountain, that you want to swim with sharks, you want to skydive with the person you love the most. Tell me your dreams, tell to yourself your dreams. Do everything that takes your breath away. Do things you are scared of and discover that after you did them you loved them so damn much you would do them for the rest of your life.
Sometimes things don't turn out the way they are supposed to be, and sometimes we get so mad about it that we stop waiting for good things to happen. We die waiting the destiny brings us all what we want. But let me tell you something, sometimes and most of the times. Destiny wont work, ok? So, you need to go and find what you want, you need to wake up everyday and make things happen. Stop waiting for friday, for summer, for someone to fall in love with you, for life. Stop waiting for destiny to come and change your life, and make the change by yourself. If you don't do it nobody not even destiny and universe, will. And you will spend your life doing things you are not ok with. You would grow older and you wont have adventures to tell to your grandchildren. If you think you will regret every embarrasing, crazy and nonsense thing you did when you where young, you're wrong you will laugh about it. But, you will regret everything you didn't do. Every song you didn't listen, every movie you didn´t watch, every jump you didn't take, every chance you had of doing things you never imagined of doing, things you were afraid of. ALL THE CHANCES YOU HAD TO LIVE TO THE FULLEST AND YOU WASTED THEM.

So, please do me and yourself a favor. Go and tell the boy or girl that you like, that you are in love with him or her. Go and jump on a parachute. Get on the world's largest roller coaster. Go and know places. Try new food, meet people. Listen to all the songs there are, see all the movies you've never seen. Admire the sky, the sea, the stars, the moon, the sun, the birds, the fish. Climb the highest mountain in the world, feel like you are world's owner and scream your dreams, goals and aspirations with all your lungs. Tell people you love that you do. Write a song, be in a movie. Cook, dance, exercise, yell, laugh, practice something new. Learn how to play an instrument. Learn another language, meet people from other countries. Make friends, many. Run across the field and sit in a movie. Do everything that makes you feel alive, that makes your heart race and makes you the happiest person in the world. Because life runs away and goes away. And you can't go to the supermarket to buy more life. So take advantage of every second. I hope that when you make that jump, you don't fear the fall. I hope that when the crowd screams out, they scream your name. I hope that if everyone runs, you stay. I hope you fall in love, and that it hurts a lot. Because it's the only way you know you gave it all. I hope when the moment comes you say: I did it all, I owned every second that this world could give, I saw so many places. With every broken bone I swear I lived. I hope that when your journey ends, god face you and asks you "What the hell was that all about?" You say, "I was feeling epic".
And well, remember live a life worth remembering. The only thing that you are going to take is what you live, that's why you must start living what you want to take. Make your self the happiest human being who has ever stepped the earth.
And to end this long journey that we've had, I want to tell you that I hope that every day you fall in love with being alive.
Loads and tons of love to all of you:)
Yours with all my heart, Constanza.
