Greetings everyone!
I would like to start with the motto of my life "लोकाः समाः सुखनो भव॥ु "which means “May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own
life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.” I am Vasundhara Chaudhary,16 year old,from Chandigarh,India.
I am pursuing my class 12th with Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
I have always been an all rounder student from being part of cabinet to being the school topper in class 10 to participating in all co-curricular activities.
I have keen interest in writing, dancing, oratory, reading and painting.
Have made small achievements in all the fields mentioned.
Spreading positivity and kindness was always my dream. I had been awarded with Selfless Service Award by my school. I always was interested in Mental Health. I am dumbstruck seeing the emotional and mental pain that people deal with and I myself have faced many of them like anxiety so in July 2020 I founded a firm @inspire._.dose which deals the MentalHealth, spirituality, oratory, writing, dance etc.
People are going away from spirituality which is the root for all problems I want them to get back to it. I also have a YouTube channel Inspire Dose. The feed of page is filled with positive gifs and also surveys are conducted that helps people get aware of their mental health. DM's are always open if someone faces any problem.
Soon many new activities and games will be included in it for making people smile and be happy!
I am looking forward to grow my firm!
I am really thankful for 1.1k supporters!
I want each and everyone out there to always be positive and keep their spirits high!
I have made a smart city model for saving our environment and have been awarded with green Champion award from schneider electrics, India.
I also have my articles published in local daily.
I am the Lead Writer for magazine @thebrightsidemz.
Blog writer for @urbetterbrain .
I am also part of a literary club @lit_o_sphere .
Just want to share few points with everyone from Bhagavad Gita the inspiration behind inspire dose:
✓There are three gates to the self-destructive hell: Lust, Anger, and Greed.
✓Set your heart upon your work but never its reward.
✓Fear not. What is not real, never was and never will be.
✓What is real, always was and cannot be destroyed.
✓A man is made by his belief.As he believes, so he becomes.
✓No one who does good work will ever come to a bad end, either here or in the world to come.
✓Do everything you have to do, but not with greed, not with ego, not with lust, not with envy but with love, compassion, humility, and devotion.