Journalism remains an indispensable proponent of society. We look to journalists in times of distress to keep us informed, secure, and sane. Journalists are not simply writers, editors, and news anchors; journalists are essentially the "watchdogs" of society, and they demand our media industry to properly reflect the needs and wants of the people. News reporters and journalists are deeply committed to finding the truth and presenting it to the public. And yet all of their contributions and significance to society overshadows the reality of their crippling mental health. The mental health of journalists is rarely if ever discussed and brought to the topic of conversation. A limited number of studies have been conducted to showcase just how detrimental journalists’ day-to-day tasks can be to their well-being. It is time to change this, and it is finally time to unpack preconceived notions regarding journalists and the media realm as a whole.
My name is Alexa Morrissey and it is my mission to reveal the harsh and raw realities of what it means to be a journalist and to be affiliated with the public realm on a daily basis. Journalists must deal with the emotional toll of reporting on trauma, as well as the practical issues of handling their own personal conflicts. It is a challenge that is confronting more and more newsrooms across the United States, and this is why addressing this issue is more prominent than ever.

In an effort to voice my thoughts and opinions regarding this critical matter, I decided to make my own podcast series. My podcast series is titled "Newsroom Mayhem", and I absolutely LOVED creating it. I had a desire to challenge myself. I wanted to learn how to adjust my writing to fit a new medium to stray away from the traditional essay structure. I love listening to podcasts and decided to make my own to vividly express my beliefs and passions. Currently, there are no mandatory trauma training protocols/programs available to news journalists and reporters nationwide. Additionally, reporters do not have the tools and resources necessary to successfully cope with their inner emotional trauma. This is unjust and completely unacceptable. I want change. I need change. Ever since I was little, I have wanted to be a news reporter, and I even plan on majoring in communications in college. If I want to pursue this profession, I wish to change the way in which we address and talk about the mental health of news journalists. Through my podcast series, I advocate for greater programming and awareness to attack this issue head on.

When reporting on traumatic incidents, news journalists’ are exposed to raw and senseless acts with little to no preparation, and their overall well-being is jeopardized as a result. Further, news journalists are forced to cope with their internal struggles through innovative mechanisms to sustain a professional persona to the public. The subsequent installments in my podcast series will delve deeper into the ways institutions can prepare journalists to face work-related trauma and provide resources for those who suffer. But it is up to those of us in the field to change the way we think and talk about mental illness. As much as journalists may fancy themselves superhuman observers of history, the truth is that they are as susceptible to trauma as the victims whose stories they tell.
Be the change you wish to see in the world. Do not be afraid to take a stand and fight for what you believe in. You are worth listening to. You are enough. Always remember that revolutions start small and then manifest into something greater and more profound. But that foundational steppingstone starts with you. Be passionate and chase after your dreams. Do not hesitate. The world desperately needs some inspiration and lightheartedness especially during these challenging times. How will you strive for a better tomorrow?
Here are the links to my podcast series and trailer! :)
Anchor =
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Thank you everyone for reading and listening! It truly means the world to me. Please stay safe and healthy :) Much love to all.
Xoxo, Alexa