Tinglamigos is a young turtle group that goes to the beaches of Puerto Rico to help sea turtles to their nesting and hatching process. Tinglamigos was founded in 2014 by the group's leader: Claudia Renta Ortiz. Tinglamigos not only ensures that the turtles enter the sea, but they also make sure to educate each person present in the turtle group and on the beach. The type of turtle that we protect is called a leatherback turtle and it is the largest turtle in the world. Tinglamigos is in charge of doing numerous activities for young people that have to do with the protection of this species and the importance of caring for the environment. In this blog, we are going to talk about the activities that we do, how we protect turtles, how to join our groups and more interesting facts about us.
About Claudia:

Claudia Renta Ortiz is a student who will soon be in the 11th grade. Claudia has stood out for being the founder of this organization. From a very young age, the passion for nature and animals has been a subject that has fascinated her. That is why, with the help of other organizations like this one, she decided to found a group of young people who would be in charge of helping sea turtles. "I have always loved marine life and my purpose with this group is to make young people like me learn to value and take care of our environment." Claudia has stood out not only for organizing this group, but also for numerous investigations that have to do with coral reefs, another topic that she is very passionate about. Clauidia named this group "Tinglamigos" because in Spanish, leatherback turtle is "tinglar" and the word "amigos" was added to refer to the word "friends" which in English means "leatherback turtle friends." The purpose of the founder is for many young people like her to join her organization. Claudia has brought this organization to recognition in many parts of Puerto Rico and encourages youth to be part of such a beautiful experience.
Additional activities:

- We go to different municipalities in Puerto Rico to give presentations. The topics covered are: who we are, how we protect turtles, some research on coral reefs and education to the community about turtles.
-As a group, we go to the beaches to collect the garbage and then do a manual count of the garbage discarded on the beaches.
-We patrol the beach at night and in the morning to register any sea turtle that nests on the coasts of Puerto Rico. We also help baby turtles to reach their home safely.
-We attend educational conferences and some animal centers in Puerto Rico to participate and help.
-We meet with other turtle groups to help on the beach and carry a team plan in case a turtle needs our help.
Want to join us?

It is very simple to join our organization for an exciting experience. you just have to follow the following steps:
-If you want to help and go to our beaches to see, help and participate in the process of monitoring turtles, write to us through the networks or through our email: claudiarofish@gmail.com

Once you complete this steps we will provide you information about the activities that we will doing and more details about your job as a member of Tinglamigos.
In our networks, Instagram and Facebook, we will provide you information about the leather-back turtles and we will post all of our activities so you can learn to protect this species.

Tinglamigos makes sure that each member of the organization is prepared and has the materials required to carry out this work as an assistant. If you want to form part of this turtle group, please join us! "We help, protect and learn from these marine species." We are an organization with many dreams to fulfill, an organization that aspires to leadership and learning.
Learn more about Tinglamigos and follow their accounts:
Instagram @Tinglamigos
Facebook @Tinglamigos
Email: claudiarofish@gmail.com with questions!
Be sure to check out these amazing photos of @tinglamigos in action!
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