We are three girls from India - Anishka, Sana & Sonia, and have been friends for more than 10 years. Having lived in Delhi we have faced a lot of discrimination ourselves but more than that we have seen a lot of others facing bigotry or being isolated because of factors which shouldn’t even be a topic and which should be shunned aside.
We have always had conversations within the three of us about how people can be problematic without realizing it.
We got inspired by seeing that even one conversation can go a long way. Many a times when we called out someone on their problematic behavior, some understood and actively worked on keeping that in mind, some ignored and asked us to, ‘chill out.’ But that never stopped us from continuing to have conversations with people. Over the years we've always wanted to start something that could bring about a difference and finally all our experiences and conversations have inspired us to start ResofourGen.

Resistance of our Generation is a culmination of what meant the most to us- social advocacy and fighting against injustice. We began brainstorming in April, with zoom calls and late night conversations and then we launched early May. Our organization now stands to spread awareness on various social issues with a special emphasis on gender and also work towards upliftment of women and non binary folk from the marginalized communities. Over the span of 2 months have spoken up about various taboos and issues from across the globe. Each month we take up a specific theme and explore the various perspectives in that.
For us, spreading awareness was always the number one thing on the list. Much of our knowledge has come from various sources of media and is one of the most crucial steps in fighting against social injustice. Thus, via ResofourGen we don't just wish to voice our thoughts but also provide a platform to others to speak about their experiences. We want to be able to give those who also wish to resist oppression, a safe space and start conversations.

Where we see our organization in a few years is a question only our audience can answer. We would like for us to bring change and inspire people to have discussions. Our audience and our opinions are our topmost priority and thus are willing to change and adjust to the circumstances and environment.

Our hope is to inspire conversations between people. We feel just by starting conversations anyone can bring about a lot of change. Three of us started speaking with people, which most of the time is difficult and uncomfortable but after the conversation we felt we had played a small part in a long and hard journey. This is our hope for our audience. We feel if our audience can start out by just having an uncomfortable conversation with their sibling or significant other, they are doing a bit of what they can.
At the end of the day, we've all grown up in the same patriarchal ridden society with those same rules ingrained into our minds. Resistance of our Generation hopes to symbolize a revolution to slowly unlearn those values and create a safe community where no person has to fight for the right to live.
But the fight starts with us raising our voice collectively. Resisting collectively.
Want to learn more?
Resistance of our Generation: https://www.instagram.com/resofourgen/
Today is Her Story: https://www.instagram.com/todayisherstory/