When most of us think of writing, we think of it as a punishment. We equate putting a pen to paper to doing schoolwork. We compare writing words down to completing a task for our jobs. As a society, we have collectively begun to push away notebooks for a more efficient alternative: a computer, or the deep corners of our erupting brains. I have always been a huge advocate for writing things down, for a variety of reasons. Now more than ever, there’s so much value to be found in documenting things on paper. There's power in a pen.
When I was younger, I kept countless diaries detailing my everyday experiences. Well, "kept" is a relative term because, as I'm sure you know all too well, those childhood diaries last about a week before being tossed under the bed. It's been years since I've even contemplated starting one again. I've heard about the whole self-care fad that is journaling and envied those who could keep it up for more than seven days. I never thought I could. But as I'm currently in the mood to try new things, I decided to give it a shot. I figured I'd appreciate having a detailed account of my exciting days indoors to look back on. So I began writing. It's been a month and a half and I haven't stopped since that fateful day.
There is something so special about confiding in an inanimate object. Yes, it may sound silly. Sure, it may seem (just as it did to me) like another to-do. But truly, the best part of my day is being able to rant about my other to-dos to this object without fear of judgement. I love to keep track of what inspires me. The happy moments and the sad. Not to mention, journaling is a fantastic hand exercise. Angry? Squeeze that pen real tight. Flex those arm muscles.
I feel like everyone can benefit from a little brain dump, especially before bed. Getting rid of some built up anxiety (especially now) feels so good. Besides, studies show that staring at the glaring light of a phone right before bed isn't healthy. Don't deny it, we're all guilty. Instead, find a few minutes in the evening to put those thoughts on paper. You'll sleep so much better. A habit I've developed is thinking of an inspirational quote to write down at the very end of each entry. End it all on a high note.
Journaling truly is the cheapest method of self-care. Rather than spending money on bath-bombs, turn to the resources that are most likely already at hand.
We all know that the best ideas aren't formulated when we ask our brains to think. Like all good things, they happen unexpectedly! My biggest fear is being caught somewhere and thinking up this insane idea with nowhere to store it. Ever been in the shower and had an epiphany mid-shampoo? Or how about when you're halfway into the REM cycle and you suddenly have a plan? Yeah, been there.
While it may be most desirable to let those thoughts hang out in your brain, the chances are that brilliant idea will slip your mind soon. In fact, we forget 70% of what we don't write down! So how can we save these floating thoughts from falling down the drain, literally and figuratively? I have gotten into the habit of always having a notebook handy. Whether that's some scrap paper for quick sketches or a folder in the Notes app on my phone (Did you know you could create folders? I have one for each aspect of my life to stay properly organized with my thoughts. All my creative ideas go in the folder aptly titled "Creative Ideas".), it is so important to have a place to store that wandering thinking.
Now I know you're probably wondering about how to keep track of those shower thoughts when it's physically impossible to access a writing utensil... Or is it? My favorite invention of all time, which has really helped solve this dilemma for me, is the Waterproof Notepad. I wish I could have come up with this thing. I have mine attached to the wall of my shower, and I cannot rave about it enough. If you have a few dollars to spare and suffer from the same issue as I do, buy one! I attached the Amazon link at the bottom of this post.
You never know, one of those moments when inspiration hits can be the foundation for the next multi-million dollar company or revolutionary invention. It's imperative that we never misinterpret our ideas as being worthless and thus choose to let them go. When you grasp hold of your thoughts, you might just have an awesome story to tell when people ask you where you got your start.
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Just like reading, the more you practice writing, the easier it gets. Practice it because you love it, not because it feels like a chore. (And just think about how much easier it'll be to write that paper when you've been doing it for fun! 😉)
Another friendly reminder - I'm a teenager who enjoys writing. No matter your age, don't be embarrassed by what may be considered an "abnormal" hobby. It's one of the most useful and customizable hobbies you'll ever find, so make it yours!
"Aqua Notes" Waterproof Notepad:
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Twitter: @madelyn_ilana
Pinterest: @madelyn_ilana